Sunday, May 18, 2008

TCON: Prince Caspian

I was getting something out of the refrigerator last week when I noticed a piece of paper hanging on the door. I took a quick glance and realized that it was a Fandango reservation for Prince Caspian which opened this past weekend.

Shortly after I arrived home from work on Friday, I quickly changed clothes and my parents and I headed out the door. We made a night of it which means we bought pop and popcorn at the theater and settled into our sits, waiting for the lights to dim and the screen to light up with screen with the upcoming movie.

For some reason, my father choose to sit in the top row of seats, all the way back against the wall yet the theater was just the right size and the whole screen stretched before. The lights dim and the journey began.

Once again, the director, the producer and the actors put together an excellent film. The screenwriters did a great job of writing the script. There were so many references to faith, to God, to Jesus, to belief that it was encouraging, challenging, and entertaining all in one movie.

The last Narnia movie had an awesome scene of movie angles that I found awesome. I found another one in the new one. You will just have to watch the new one to discover it. See the movie!!!!

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