Thursday, August 09, 2007

The Odd Thing About Odds

"Lion chasers know God is bigger and more powerful than any problem they face in this world."

I often times see through my human eyes at the obstacles that stand before me. They seems so huge, commanding, and strong. Because of my limited ability, I do not always see the source of the obstacles, the reason for them, or how to conquer them. Because of my limite capabilities, I often times see that God has the same limitations as me. If I cannot conquer them, then neither can God. My thinking is very flawed and so limited.

Do I believe that God is bigger and more powerful than any problem I face? Most days I will and can say yes to that fact. But those are the days when the obstacles are small and relatively easy to conquer. But my faith wavers when the obstacles feel overwhelming and menacing. In those moments, I may whisper yes, in a small voice and with my body half turned ready to run away if I must. I am not standing tall, facing the obstacle head-on, and with a loud, confident voice proclaim, "Yes, my God is bigger than you." No that is not me most of the time. I am usually the one ready to give up and run away. And I have bfore. Now I wonder what miracle God wanted to do in my life during that moment?

"Maybe faith is trusting God no matter how impossible the odds are. Maybe our impossible situations are opportunities to experience a new dimension of God's glory."

Maybe that is what faith has always been, trusting God. Trusting that God is who He says He is. If He is all powerful then what can defeat Him? If he is all-knowing, then what does He not know? If He is above all things then why do I fear and why do I not take my life to him?

*my summary of Chapter 2 of "In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day" by Mark Batterson.

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