Monday, May 05, 2008

Made of Honor

So I have wanted to see this movie since the trailer aired several weeks ago. Two of my co-workers and friends were also interested in seeing the movie so after work on Saturday, we met up at the theatre and watched the movie.

A cross of “My Best Friend’s Wedding” and “Sweet Home Alabama”, this movie should be added to the shelf of great romantic comedies that will leave you believing in the fairy tales and an aching side from laughing throughout the whole movie.

I was very surprised at the opening scene of the movie as its content tied itself to a political scandal that is well known among the American people but what really caught my attention was the focus on marriage that this film portrayed. It is not often that Hollywood portrays marriage as something joyful and fulfilling but that is what this movie does. It is not often that a movie will portray the message that love can be based on a strong friendship, mutual interests, and shared times together rather than just raw sexual desire, but once again this movie portrays such an idea.

This movie does contain many sexual innuendos and references with several choice words, but I still give this movie two thumbs up.

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